Ein Paar draussen auf dem Dampfschiff Blümlisalp mit Niesen im Hintergrund

Romantic soirée

On our romantic «Blümlisalp» paddle steamer, we create the perfect setting for your next romantic soirée. A specially decorated table and selected food and drinks will make your evening a night to remember.


Tuesday to Saturday from May 17 to September 13, 2025
Thun, departure 18.40 h
Thun, arrival 21.20 h (via Beatenbucht)
Subject to change without prior notice
The number of places available on the steamboat is limited. You should therefore reserve your table as early as possible.


All-inclusive offer for 2 people
Romantic soirée CHF 308.00
Prices in CHF incl. VAT / Prices and products subject to alteration.

Included in the price

  • Cruise for 2 people
  • Champagne aperitif with canapés
  • «Aphrodisiac» three-course menu
  • Coffee and petits fours
  • Arranged and served in an exceptional way


Food & Drink




Do you have any questions about our offers? Contact us, we will be happy to help you.